People who wear Seangolare: Nicoletta

In: Community

Today we're talking about Nicoletta, beautiful and reckless, she practices both skate and surf, but downhill is her favorite discipline, because is the faster one, as well as the huge amount of emotions she feels practicing it.

Name: Nicoletta

Job: Student 

Your Seangolare products:  One Piece Neoprene Surfsuit, Tropical Sunset OnePiece.

Describe yourself and your relationship with surf: "I am a polyhedral person who loves all the sports that allow me to get in touch with the nature. They make me feel free. Adrenaline is my thing. I study engineering and in my free time I relax by practicing longboard, surf and snowboarding. I love extreme sports that allow me to overcome my limitations. The serenity that gives me these sports has no price."


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